[Django]-Django didn't return an HttpResponse object


You are getting this problem because you havn’t written a HttpResponse object if request type is not POST

To overcome this in your view write somthing which will process if request type is not post

def search_page(request):
    form = SearchForm()
    if request.method == "POST":
        f = SearchForm(request.POST)
        if f.is_valid():
            Pets = Pet.objects.filter(animal = f.cleaned_data["text"])
            return HttpResponseRedirect("search.html",{"Pets":Pets},{"form":form})

    return render_to_response("search.html",{"form":form} , context_instance = RequestContext(request))

Hope this will help you thanks


The error is because when the function is called the method type is not POST and it does not find the corresponding HttpResponse object.

def search_page(request):
    form = SearchForm()
    if request.method == "POST":
        f = SearchForm(request.POST)
        if f.is_valid():
            Pets = Pet.objects.filter(animal = f.cleaned_data["text"])
            return HttpResponseRedirect("search.html",{"Pets":Pets},{"form":form})
            return render_to_response("search.html",{"form":form} , context_instance = RequestContext(request))

    return render_to_response("any.html",{} , context_instance = RequestContext(request))


def addsponser(request):
if request.method == ‘POST’:
# return HttpResponse(request,’error is here’)

    if (request.POST.get('firstname') and
            request.POST.get('lastname') and
            request.POST.get(' email') and
            request.POST.get('phone_Number') and
            request.POST.get('gender') and
            request.POST.get('state') and
            request.POST.get('adress') and
            request.POST.get('postal_code') and
            fname = request.POST.get('firstname')
            lname =  request.POST.get('lastname')
            em = request.POST.get(' email')
            phn = request.POST.get('phone_Number')
            gnd = request.POST.get('gender')
            stt = request.POST.get('state')
            add =  request.POST.get('adress')
            pstc = request.POST.get('postal_code')
            twn = request.POST.get('town')           

                sponser = Sponsers()
                sponser.firstname = fname
                sponser.lastname = lname
                sponser.email = em
                sponser.Phone_Number = phn
                sponser.gender = gnd
                sponser.state = stt
                sponser.adress = add
                sponser.postal_code = pstc
                sponser.town = twn
                messages.success(request, "sponser Added")
                return redirect('sponsers')
            except Exception:
                messages.error(request, "Failed to add sponser")
                return redirect('sponsers')
    return redirect('sponsers')

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