Hereβs how I solved this, for some reason unknown to me, a file called chainedfk.js is missing. After a little digging I found that this file exists in this path βsmart-selects/admin/js/chainedfk.jsβ in the library files.
So I simply added this import line my base.html file.
*I removed the tags so it can be visible.
script src=β{% static βsmart-selects/admin/js/chainedfk.jsβ %}β
after the js import line and it worked like a charm π
UPDATE β MAY- 2017
Sorry, things have a bit changed as of now, my form also refused to load and yet it was loading some time back, so you have to include the tag below, right after the jquery and the tag that contains chainedfk.js
This works very well both for django 1.10.5 and Django 1.11 -(the latest version as of this writting) β Python 3.5.2
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'smart-selects/admin/js/chainedfk.js' %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'smart-selects/admin/js/chainedm2m.js' %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'smart-selects/admin/js/bindfields.js' %}"></script>
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I had the same problem but without receiving any error.
it worked for me too when I included:
<script src="{% static 'smart-selects/admin/js/chainedfk.js' %}"></script>
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to be 100% correct you have to import file with this specific order:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js </script>
<!-- Smart select -->
<script src="{% static 'smart-selects/admin/js/chainedfk.js' %}"></script>
<script src="{% static 'smart-selects/admin/js/chainedm2m.js' %}"></script>
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Worked for me by putting {{form.media.js}}
which loads the required javascripts in the head.
{% block headjavascript %}{{ form.media.js }}{% endblock %}
Which is a better practice for loading javascript
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