[Django]-Django REST Framework: Could not resolve URL for hyperlinked relationship using view name



The view_name should typically be [route]-detail for routers, where [route] is the name of the model you registered the ViewSet under.

In your case, the view_name should be position-detail, not just position. You are also using routes-detail instead of drivingroutes-detail, which is using the long name because your model is DrivingRoute and not Route. You can override this by setting a base_name (third parameter) when using register on the router.

router = DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'car', views.CarViewSet)
router.register(r'routes', views.DrivingRouteViewSet, "routes")
router.register(r'position', views.PositionViewSet)
router.register(r'users', views.UserViewSet)


You have the following views:

  • car-list
  • car-detail
  • drivingroute-list
  • drivingroute-detail
  • position-list
  • position-detail
  • user-list
  • user-detail

If we take for example the following route:

router.register(r'car', views.CarViewSet)

It means that it is accessible under http://yourapi.com/car/ for car-list and under http://yourapi.com/car/1/ for car-detail (where 1 is the id).

The view names get built out of the class name minus suffix ViewSet plus list or detail.

Change your code according to these rules and please try again.



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