I tried pretty much everything EXCEPT for double checking the load order of my middleware… I fixed my issue by going from the following load order
# Default
… to
# Default
I knew that it had to be something simple, but now I just feel like a grand idiot…
I have the same problem. I tried to call Django API in react app and this error bugged me for a few days, but I found the solution.
- first check all proposed solutions on the web such as: installing corsheaders in Django and adding it in the install app and MIDDLEWARE in setting.py.
so next step:
Open the network tab in any browser, we have to check two important headers. during the request. - Access-Control-Request-Headers in the request header.
- Access-Control-Allow-Headers in the response header.
- as you can see in the picture,Access-Control-Request-Headers in the request header is content-type, but Access-Control-Allow-Headers in the response is http://localhost:3000, content-type. So this is the problem.
- to resolve the problem go to settings.py in the backend check CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS and delete everything except for ‘content-type’,.
so check again.
my bug disappeared.
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With CORS, we have a couple of things that need to be considered. You could find more in here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers, go to Access-Control links.
Your config above, you’ve set up:
- CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: http://localhost:8000, …
] (default)
So if your app using credentials, then change CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS to True. If it’s still not working, check your request headers, make sure that there are no special headers in there and if you do have special headers on your request, it’s better be inside of CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS.
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This is the settings for django cors headers. in settings.py
# add this
# add this
# set this
Status code: 301
indicates that requested resource is invalid, so the request should be redirected to a proper url. Most likely you are sending request to an invalid endpoint