[Django]-ERROR: ' No module named 'django.core.urlresolvers'


Use this.

from django.urls import reverse

Django 1.10 the module django.core.urlresolvers deprecated. Please use above import which solve your issue.


Since Django 1.10 the module django.core.urlresolvers is deprecated. See the official documentation.

In order to resolve the issue you have to use compatible third-party packages. You didn’t mention which version of Django REST Framework you’re using, but I’d assume it’s not DRF 3.x.x

Check the installed version of Django REST Framework and update it to the 3.7.x series (Stand: 2017-11-17).



I have the same issue like that and when I update Django rest framework and use the 3.7.7 version of that I could resolve the issue.
you can use this command to solve this problem

pip install djangorestframework==3.7.7


Django 2.0 removes the django.core.urlresolvers module, which was moved to django.urls in version 1.10. You should change any import to use django.urls instead, like this:

from django.urls import reverse
instead of django.core.urlresolvers

Note that Django 2.0 removes some features that previously were in django.core.urlresolvers, so you might have to make some more changes before your code works

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