[Django]-No matter what I do, django-admin.py is not found, even though it's in my path


The python interpreter does not look everywhere on your path to find the script. It does look everywhere for imports, but not for scripts.

Try typing django-admin.py, just django-admin.py and not python django-admin.py, and it should work. Windows should find it on the path, then execute it as a python script.


If Windows doesn’t run Python scripts (i.e. you have set your editor as the default python app), try: python -m django-admin or maybe python -m django-admin.py. The -m argument uses module mode, which checks the path.



I realize this is old, but came across the same issue.
On Windows, your path should include the following:


This is assuming python 2.7.3 is installed and django 1.4.3


python -mdjango-admin looks like what you’re looking for. -m tells Python to find a module on sys.path and run that module as “the main script” — which seems exactly your goal!


This python command will search syspath for the django module in question:

python -m django.bin.django-admin


I had the same problem, and python -mdjango-admin works. but i had to define PYTHONHOME & PYTHONPATH first


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