[Django]-How to use C# client to consume Django/Python web service (all methods are returning null)?


One thing you can do is start by building a manual proxy using WebClient, or WebRequest/WebResponse. Construct your manual proxy to send the desired data to the WS for testing.

Couple of things to check on the WSDL implementation:

  • The WSDL definition needs to match exactly, including case, for the C# proxy to recognize the values
  • Namespace definitions need to match exactly, including trailing slashes
  • Check the profile of the generated proxy and make sure it conforms with what your desired profile is (i.e. basic or none if needed)

If you post your generated proxy we can look at it and see if there is anything out of the ordinary.


We faced the similar problem while consuming a web service it was the type of data returned we were getting data in UTF-16 format.

Please check if you have proper data type in use.

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