[Django]-Django can't syncdb after drop/create database


The cause of this was an issue in django-request which is used by Django-Mingus. During syncdb Django does some db introspection and a related import raised this exception. If you are to pull the latest bits from either django-request or django-mingus you’ll be ok.


Try to reset you database like ./manage.py reset your_app


I was having the same issue and tracked it down to the commit at 2979ea3d4541f7b3c51c17e160bc95b468ac999b on django-mingus

If you reset back to commit 2f7eb8de7e2cb1c776e801a40f008048fcbb6d36, the sync should happen fine.


mySQL does not invalidate the current transaction when it encounters an error where postgres throws the error and do not run other query until the current transaction is not aborted. In this case you have to kill the transaction or commit with that transaction id


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