[Django]-How can I display an jupyter notebook on a homepage built with django?


While I don’t have a perfect solution, I think it’s just a matter of somebody spending some time cleaning up the appearance on the front end. I’m not good with js etc. but on the backend I have done a few things.

  • Use the nbconvert with the basic template as discussed in your blog
  • Use a FileField model in Django to upload this
  • Create a view for these; likely a list and detail view

Left to be figured would be:

  • Create a template along that takes the basic html file and dresses it up as you’d like with a stylesheet

As I said, I have the first three steps accomplished but the output is ugly. You can also try to use ipypublish for the HTML conversion. It’s interesting to me that Jupyter has a blog but I cannot find any documentation around how or if they use notebooks to make it…

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