[Django]-Django log errors and traceback in file in production environment


You can define a logging format and add that to your handler.

For your example this could look like:

'formatters': {
    'mystyle': {
        'format': u'%(asctime)s %(levelname)-6s %(lineno)-4s%(name)-15s %(message)s',
        'datefmt': '%H:%M:%S',
'handlers': {
    'console': {...},
    'file': {
        'level': 'DEBUG',
        'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
        'filename': 'debug.log',
        'format': 'mystyle',

The formatter is defined in an own section to make it reusable. I.e. multiple handlers could use the same formatter.
A list of what you can use as placeholders in your format can be found here (I think there is something like stack trace as well):



After some grilling and trial and error, this is my settings for logging debuug and error logs. This settings has the following:

  1. Captures error logs in a separate file with a formatter that gets the details.
  2. Captures complete traceback if there is a 500 error.
  3. Captures all 4XX errors.
  4. Captures debug logs in its own file.

In settings.py file:

# Logging settings
    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "filters": {
        "require_debug_false": {
            "()": "django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse",
        "require_debug_true": {
            "()": "django.utils.log.RequireDebugTrue",
    "formatters": {
        "verbose": {
            "format": "{name} {levelname} {asctime} {module} {process:d} {thread:d} {message}",
            "datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d",
            "style": "{",
        "simple": {
            "format": "[{asctime}] [{levelname}] [{module}] > {message}",
            "datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d: %H:%M:%S",
            "style": "{",
        "with_error_detail": {
            "format": "[{asctime}] [{module}] > {message} >> {exc_info}",
            "datefmt": "%Y-%m-%d: %H:%M:%S",
            "style": "{",
    "handlers": {
        "console": {
            "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
        "file_debug": {
            "class": "logging.FileHandler",
            "filename": "logs/debug.log",
            "formatter": "simple",
        "file_error": {
            "class": "logging.FileHandler",
            "filename": "logs/error.log",
            "formatter": "with_error_detail",
            "level": "WARNING",
    "loggers": {
        "django": {
            "handlers": ["console"],
            "level": os.getenv("DJANGO_LOG_LEVEL", "INFO"),
        "django.request": {
            "handlers": ["file_error"],
            "level": "WARNING",
            "propagate": False,
            # "filters": ["require_debug_false"],
        "meetings": {
            "handlers": ["file_debug"],
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "propagate": True,
        "users": {
            "handlers": ["console"],
            "level": "DEBUG",
            "propagate": False,

Here’s a sample of some logs captured (I am showing a part of the traceback here..):

[2023-08-15: 01:04:01] [ERROR] [log] > Internal Server Error: /api/users/register/user/
[2023-08-15: 01:04:20] [ERROR] [log] > Internal Server Error: /api/users/register/user/
[2023-08-15: 23:54:01] [log] > Internal Server Error: /api/users/register/user/ >> None
[2023-08-16: 00:06:43] [log] > Bad Request: /api/users/register/user/ >> None
[2023-08-16: 00:16:52] [log] > Unauthorized: /api/users/user/1234/ >> None
[2023-08-16: 00:17:19] [log] > Not Found: /api/meeting/timings/4699/ >> None
[2023-08-16: 00:17:54] [log] > Not Found: /api/meeting/timing/4699/ >> None
[2023-08-16: 00:20:34] [log] > Internal Server Error: /api/users/register/patient/ >> (<class 'AttributeError'>, AttributeError("Got AttributeError when attempting to get a value for field `email` on serializer `UserRegisterSerializer`.\nThe serializer field might be named incorrectly and not match any attribute or key on the `User` instance.\nOriginal exception text was: 'User' object has no attribute 'email'."), <traceback object at 0x00000240E8A48500>)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Projects\my-django-project\.venv\lib\site-packages\rest_framework\fields.py", line 446, in get_attribute
    return get_attribute(instance, self.source_attrs)
  File "C:\Projects\my-django-project\.venv\lib\site-packages\rest_framework\fields.py", line 96, in get_attribute

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