[Django]-Fabric asks for password even though I can SSH using credential


You can add:

ssh.util.log_to_file("paramiko.log", 10)

To the top of your fabfile, after the imports, to get more detailed information about the authorization process.



For me, I had to reset SSH agent identities with:

ssh-add -D

Then add my key back with:

ssh-add -K keyname

Careful, this will delete all identities from SSH agent.


I had to update fabric (probably after osx update):

sudo pip install --upgrade fabric


In my case, I was unable to see anything helpful in the log files. I was able to connect, however, after first connecting to the server using ssh and enabling ssh-agent forwarding:

ssh -A <user>@<host>

Then I ran fab and was connected without being asked for a password as expected.


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