As of django-crispy-forms 2.0 the template packs are now in separate packages.
You will need to pip install crispy-bootstrap4
and add crispy_bootstrap4
to your list of INSTALLED_APPS
if you need to use bootstrap4
- pip install django-crispy-forms
- pip install crispy-bootstrap4
inside settings.py in the main app add
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'crispy_forms', 'crispy_bootstrap4', ... ]
and CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK = 'bootstrap4'
inside your_html.html file add
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
and you can use cripy_forms as you like
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Run this command:
pip install django-crispy-forms
Go to settings.py and add this in the installed apps (don’t forget the comma):
"crispy_forms", "crispy_bootstrap4"
Add this after the installed apps (here there’s no need for a comma):
Go to the html page where you want to add the crispy form and add this in the head section:
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
Finally add this to the body section:
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I faced same issue and got solution. This is because you are using django-crispy-forms==2.0 and your project is not compatible with this version. also this django-crispy-forms==2.0 not support bootstrap4.
so install packages with below mention version:
(make sure python version > 3.7)
- pip3 install Django==4.1.6
- pip3 install django-allauth==0.52.0
- pip3 install django-crispy-forms==1.14.0 # version <=1.70
- pip3 install django-embed-video
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