Chartjs-HTML Input Form to a Javascript Variable


Add onclick event to the button and define a function plotchart():

<button id="submitter" onclick="plotchart()">Submit</button>

Now, to read the input value in the function:

var data = document.getElementById("userInput").value;

Now, wrap all you chart plotting code inside plotchart() function.


You need to use the button event onclick, so every time you click it, you can then grab the input’s value using a reference to the element. Like the following snippet:

let someInput = document.getElementById('someInput')

function onButtonClick() {
    let someVariable = parseFloat(someInput.value);;
<input id="someInput" type="number" />
<button onclick="onButtonClick()">Click me</button>

After this, you may use someVariable for anything you need.


  • Use a type="number" input for better UX (so users can’t input text or some other characters)
  • Consider resetting the input value after clicking the button.

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