There’s a helper function for this idiom called ‘get_or_create’ on your model manager:
role, created = UserToUserRole.objects.get_or_create(
from_user=current_user, to_user=user, role='follow')
It returns a tuple of (model, bool) where ‘model’ is the object you’re interested in and ‘bool’ tells you whether it had to be created or not.
If you’re using a recent version of Django, you can use the unique_together option to the UserToUserRole model, and then use the get_or_create() method Joe Holloway showed. This will guarantee that you can’t get a duplicate.
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If you are looking for a bool value
from_user=current_user, to_user=user, role='follow'
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You can use get(), but you’ll have to wrap it with try-except like this:
obj = UserToUserRole.objects.get(from_user=current_user, to_user=user, role='follow')
except UserToUserRole.DoesNotExist:
# here write a code to create a new object
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If you want the check done every time before save you could use the pre save signal to check, http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/signals/#django.db.models.signals.pre_save
Alternatively in the model you could specify unique=True for the property that determines whether an item is the same item, this will cause an Exception (django.db.IntegrityError) to be thrown if you try to save the same thing again.
If you have more than one field together that makes something unique you’ll need to use unique_together in the Meta inner class http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/options/#unique-together
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