[Django]-Django search fields in multiple models


One solution is to query all the models

# Look up Q objects for combining different fields in a single query
from django.db.models import Q
people = Person.objects.filter(Q(first_name__contains=query) | Q(last_name__contains=query)
restaurants = Restaurant.objects.filter(restaurant_name__contains=query)
pizzas = Pizza.objects.filter(pizza_name__contains=query)

Then combine the results, if you want

from itertools import chain
results = chain(people, restaurants, pizzas)

Ok, sure, here’s a more generic solution. Search all CharFields in all models:

search_models = [] # Add your models here, in any way you find best.
search_results = []
for model in search_models:
    fields = [x for x in model._meta.fields if isinstance(x, django.db.models.CharField)]
    search_queries = [Q(**{x.name + "__contains" : search_query}) for x in fields]
    q_object = Q()
    for query in search_queries:
        q_object = q_object | query

    results = model.objects.filter(q_object)

This will give you a list of all the querysets, you can then mold it to a format you choose to work with.

To get a list of models to fill search_models, you can do it manually, or use something like get_models. Read the docs for more information on how that works.


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