Ensure that your Procfile has no extension.
To create a file with no extension on Windows, you can use the command notepad Procfile.
from the command line.
To state the obvious: another way to encounter this issue is if you’re working on a new app, and you try running heroku ps:scale web=1
before you’ve actually done a git push heroku master
. There is no Procfile
on the Heroku server in that case, because there aren’t any files at all.
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To add yet another reason this can happen, my Procfile
but it should be:
web: gunicorn
As far as I can tell from all of these answers, if you run into this problem, it is very likely related to Procfile
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for those interested, I had the same problem to add a worker. to do so you need to add this line to your procfile : worker: python worker.py
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For others experiencing this same issue, make sure Procfile is not ignored in git.
Delete your Procfile. Then git status
. If don’t see anything mentioning Procfile, you need to find remove the entry from local or global .gitignore.
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I had the same problem because I missed git add
and git commit
the file named Procfile .
You should try to use the command git status
and review whether the Procfile
is included.
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I faced a similar issue while working on windows
(haven’t tested on other operating systems)and this worked fine for me.
Initially, I have created a file name procfile
and pushed it to heroku. But, heroku expects the Procfile
declaration. It is case sensitive
. Hence, we should be careful while typing the filename also
Even after changing the name to Procfile
git didnt notice changes(maybe git is case-insensitive just like windows). Hence, I had to delete the file completly and had to create a new one with Procfile
as the name of the file.
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In my php project I can use
$ heroku ps:scale web=1
at the heroku directory “php-getting-started” (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-php#prepare-the-app).
So I’m try to do this in my original application, so I tried to do again in Heroku Repository and it’s work.
(sorry about the english, hehe)
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I got the same problme,
1) I also configured ProcFile
but the problem still available
So used this
Remove the existing buildpacks with heroku buildpacks:clear and add them again in the right order using the heroku buildpacks:add with the --index option, making sure that the language buildpack is the last in the list
git commit --allow-empty -m "Adjust buildpacks on Heroku"
git push heroku master
Problem solved
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I had a similar problem and tried the following:
- Made sure Procfile does not have any extension
- Procfile is spelled exactly as ‘Procfile’
At the end of the day just realized that my Procfile was in my app directory. It should be on the root/project directory.
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