Just open the project view
(view->tool windows -> project). There right-click on your templates
-folder -> ‘mark directory as’-> Template directory
to your settings file if you don’t have it. I think PyCharm looks for it and doesn’t load it from Django default settings. It solved my problem.
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If you have marked directory as template directory, but still get the warning, you can try changing the single quotes to double quotes
def home(request):
return render_to_response('home.html')
change to this:
def home(request):
return render_to_response("home.html")
Hope this helps.
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- [Django]-"{% extends %}" and "{% include %}" in Django Templates
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I am using PyCharm 2018.2. You can follow the next steps to mark a directory as a template directory, so PyCharm will not give you warnings, and you will be able to go to the template by pressing cmd + B
(Mac) or ctrl + B
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I had a similar issue that was cause by forgetting to include my app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS. Adding my app to the list cleared the inspection.
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It’s fixed when I assigned “Django project root” from settings to project destination.
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