You can configurate your newly created server to run on localhost and port 5432.
First select the “Connection” tab in the “Create-Server” window. Then, configure the connection as follows:
Enter your server’s IP address in the “Hostname/ Address” field. Default is localhost.
Specify the “Port” as “5432”.
Enter the name of the database in the “Database Maintenance” field.
Enter your username as postgres and password (use the same password you used when previously configuring the server to accept remote connections) for the database.
Click “Save” to apply the configuration.
NOTE You first have to install PostgreSQL on your machine and run it or run it with docker.
In case someone is running the pgadmin-4 in docker, and not able to connect to postgres container, like me.
The solution is to first find the ip at which the docker image is running.
Step-1, make sure the postgres container is running.
Step-2 write command- PS C:\docker> docker ps
Should result as below or similar,
Step3- in order to find the ip address running the postgres use part of container ID and analyze like below command
PS C:\docker> docker inspect fc834
Note: Here I have only used part of container id that is fc834..
This should result the following or similar,
Use this ip address in the connection as below with your correct username and password
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You may need to installing PostgreSQL Server first.
You can verify if the folder is created in the below folder,
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL (for Windows) or /etc/postgresql/{version}/main (for Linux / MacOS).
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Execute the container with the data Eg:
docker run --name postgresdb -e POSTGRES_USER=username -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=mydb -p 5432:5432 --restart always -d postgres
Then in the PGAdmin client in the Host Name/Address use:
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I had the same issue. But in my case I had installed pgadmin in version 9. But also installed version 12 at the same time.
When I now uninstalled version 9, the port was already set in the config of version 12 and not given free.
So my solution was to change the port of version 12 in the postgresql.conf
file. Or even simplier, change the port in the server creation from 5432 to 5433. Now you are able to create a server again.
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In my case was I got both pgadmin and postgresql services running in separate docker containers and I was trying to connect to localhost(, which is cause of unable to connect to server error.
Note: 5438 port on my computer (host machine) was mapped to 5432 port of postgresql container.
so practically there are two solutions (if you have these services in separate containers and you have mapped postgresql port to your host machine ):
1-find out your local IP (mine is and put it in the Host field.
2- you can put two containers(pgadmin and postgres) in one network (docker network)
and instead of your local IP, put postgres container IP in the Host field.
-Another tip that may help: what I’ve recently find out was if you are linux user and have ufw enabled, you should allow the port.
e.g. on my computer postgres is running on 5438 port, so I performed below command (so I could connect from pgadmin container to 5438 port of host wich postgres is running)
ufw allow 5438
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You should uninstall Postgres and pgAdmin from your PC. Then install postgres, note that you have the option of installing pgAdmin together with Postgres, so you don’t have to download pgAdmin separately. Allow the installation to complete then restart you PC. Hopefully you should be able to create your server/database
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I was running postgress and pgadmin both using docker container.
sudo docker ps
sudo docker inspect <postgress_container_id>
"Networks": {
"work_file_default": {
"IPAMConfig": null,
"Links": null,
"Aliases": [
"NetworkID": "49dbe9d7280b55e36afc4308469c1b55e051d7eea8f1c03f08728e652cf22b5b",
"EndpointID": "c30a642c5a0f2970147c9734cadfbe1e8d7c29fcba8a83a628b7c2b3db114716",
"Gateway": "",
**"IPAddress": "",**
"IPPrefixLen": 16,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:12:00:04",
"DriverOpts": null
Instead of localhost
put the IP obtained from above command (
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how I solved this problem in ubuntu 22.04
I didn’t have a password set in Postgres, that’s why the error occurred ‘unable to connect server port 5432
Open the terminal in ubuntu and enter this command;
sudo -u postgres psql
Run the statement to add new password.
ALTER USER Postgres PASSWORD 'AddNewPasswordHere';
in ” you should enter your new password
1)sudo -u postgres psql
2)ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD ‘mynewpassword’
3)sudo service postgresql restart
4)Then you can create a server in pgadmin
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I was trying to install PostgreSQL and pgAdmin with an installer that is given here https://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/. This installer includes the PostgreSQL server, pgAdmin;
I was facing an error while starting pgAdmin: "The pgAdmin 4 server could not be contacted". I tried different solutions but did not work.
Then I uninstalled both of them, deleted the temp folder C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\pgAdmin
and delete those ones too %temp%
Then I installed the pgAdmin separately from this link https://www.pgadmin.org/download/
and it works. If you need to connect it with your local server I think you should install the PostgreSQL server first and then pgAdmin separately.
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I faced the same problem. So I uninstalled pgAdmin through control panel. after that deleted the folder where pgAdmin was located. Then I went to this link and installed pgadmin whole package from there and now it works fine.
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I was getting this error when I was running pgadmin in a docker container on my machine, which meant that localhost:5432 was not accessible.
I worked around this by using the native version of pgadmin.
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If you are running PostgreSQL in a docker container, set the host name in pgAdmin to postgres
not the mapped address or localhost.
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press win key+R then Search for services.msc A window will open in that find postgresql-x64-13 right click, in that tab click start option For me its works perfectly.
Check out this stackoverflow link
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In the Host name/address field, don’t use localhost
If you are using Windows OS, open cmd, and type ipconfig
Using IPv4 address from Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi, eg:
instead of localhost
It should work well.
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After two years i think this would be of good help to so many people.
You don’t have to uninstall postgresql or PGADMIN from your system.
What you need to do i input the username and password for a particular user created on postgresql into the server input box.
And that all you need.
i hope this helps anyone
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