[Django]-Requirements.txt greater than equal to and then less than?


Yes. The pip manual [doc] has a section on the format of "requirement specifiers". These are documented in PEP-508 [pep] and PEP-440 [pep]:

The comparison operator determines the kind of version clause:

  1. ~=: Compatible release clause
  2. ==: Version matching clause
  3. !=: Version exclusion clause
  4. <=, >=: Inclusive ordered comparison clause
  5. <, >: Exclusive ordered comparison clause
  6. ===: Arbitrary equality clause.

The comma (",") is equivalent to a logical and operator: a candidate version must match all given version clauses in order to match the specifier as a whole.

So in your case it means that the Django version is 1.10 or higher and not 1.11 or higher (so 1.10 is fine, 1.10.1, as well, but not 1.11, 1.11.1, or 2.0.1).

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