From my previous comment :
You can return a HttpResponseBadRequest
Also, you can create an Exception subclass like Http404 to have your own Http400 exception.
You can do the following:
from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
raise SuspiciousOperation("Invalid request; see documentation for correct paramaters")
SuspiciousOperation is mapped to a 400 response around line 207 of https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/core/handlers/base.py
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If you’re using the Django Rest Framework, you have two ways of raising a 400 response in a view:
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError, ParseError
raise ValidationError
# or
raise ParseError
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Since Django 3.2, you can also raise a BadRequest
from django.core.exceptions import BadRequest
raise BadRequest('Invalid request.')
This may be better in some cases than SuspiciousOperation
mentioned in another answer, as it does not log a security event; see the doc on exceptions.
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