I think the best way to use django is with virtualenv it’s safe and you can install many apps in virtualenv which does not affect any outer space of the system
vitualenv uses the default version of python which is same as in your system
to install virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenv
or for python3
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
and then in your dir
mkdir ~/newproject
cd ~/newproject
Now, create a virtual environment within the project directory by typing
virtualenv newenv
To install packages into the isolated environment, you must activate it by typing:
source newenv/bin/activate
now install here with
pip install django
You can verify the installation by typing:
django-admin --version
To leave your virtual environment, you need to issue the deactivate command from anywhere on the system:
When you install Django on your computer, everything works fine but when you install a Virtual environment it gets separated from all things. You will know it’s importance when you will make a final project and deploy it to any cloud or hosting.
Just re-install Django in the virtual environment and baam:
pip install Django
and then just run the command for testing:
python manage.py runserver
and you are all done.
- [Django]-Python Socket.IO client for sending broadcast messages to TornadIO2 server
- [Django]-Running Django with FastCGI or with mod_python
- [Django]-Django: How to manage development and production settings?
You need to install Django
, this error is giving because django is not installed.
pip install django
- [Django]-Only accept a certain file type in FileField, server-side
- [Django]-SocketException: OS Error: Connection refused, errno = 111 in flutter using django backend
- [Django]-Celery. Decrease number of processes
You need to use both commands:
pip install django
and pip3 install django
that worked for me
- [Django]-Get Timezone from City in Python/Django
- [Django]-Django REST framework: non-model serializer
- [Django]-Sending images using Http Post
find your django parent dir path and add it to PYTHONPATH
In my case, my django parent dir path is /Library/Python/3.7/site-packages
,add this line into ~/.bash_profile
export PYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/3.7/site-packages
else if you have PYTHONPATH already, just append it like this
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/Library/Python/3.7/site-packages
source ~/.bash_profile
- [Django]-Django modelform NOT required field
- [Django]-Creating a JSON response using Django and Python
- [Django]-What is the max size of 'max_length' in Django?
Check that you have installed Django; by executing
import django
in python.
you mustn’t seeModuleNotFoundError
if everything’s ok.or you can run
django-admin --version
and check if you see the version number. -
Check that you have installed virtualenv; by executing
virtualenv --version
you must see the version number if everything’s ok. -
Check that you have enabled virtualenv; there’s got to be the name of your virtualenv in your command prompt starting line. enable it by
source bin/activate
. also, remember todeactivate
it every time your job is
finished with the virtualenv. -
Check that your virtualenv includes django. a virtualenv by default
has no modules installed. you either have to install django in your
virtualenv (even if you have it in your machine already) or use
virtualenv --system-site-packages
when creating a virtualenv to
include system site packages in the virtualenv. -
Add django to your path. open python,
import django
, then run
to see django’s path. then add it to your~/.bashrc
if you’re usingzsh
). more info in here -
by runningpip install django-admin
- [Django]-Django storages: Import Error – no module named storages
- [Django]-Filter Queryset on empty ImageField
- [Django]-Celery : Execute task after a specific time gap
I faced the same issue, and in my case it was because I had multiple python versions on my machine, in addition to the Anaconda ones.
In my case django didn’t worked well with my anaconda python.
I knew that when I run import django
on each python terminal for all versions I have.
As a summary here are the steps I made to get this solved:
Run the CMD as Admin
Create a project folder.
Create a new ENV for this new project INSIDE THE PROJECT Folder…
pip install virtualenv >> virtualenv new_env`
Activate it:
After the env activation ⇒ Install Django:
python -m pip install Django
The python version you used here in step 5 will determine which python will to work with this installed Django.
- [Django]-Equivalent of PHP "echo something; exit();" with Python/Django?
- [Django]-How to disable admin-style browsable interface of django-rest-framework?
- [Django]-Django migration strategy for renaming a model and relationship fields
Make sure you have Django installed by writing this command :
python -m django --version
if it’s not installed you can install it by writing this command :
pip install django
- [Django]-How do you use the django-filter package with a list of parameters?
- [Django]-In Django, how do I check if a user is in a certain group?
- [Django]-How to query as GROUP BY in Django?
I was having great difficulties with this but I have solved my issue. I am on Windows 10 using Vagrant ssh in my virtualenv environment, the box I have installed is ubuntu/xenial64, Django version 2.1, python==3.6.
When I was installing packages I was using pip3 but most importantly I was using sudo and the -H
flag to install these packages. When I ran sudo pip3 freeze
my packages would come up, but when I ran a plain pip3 freeze
there would be no packages.
Then I tried the python3 manage.py startapp <YOUR APP NAME>
and it did not work same error as you.
I finally thought to try sudo python3 manage.py startapp <YOUR APP NAME>
it finally worked!
Hope this was help 🙂
- [Django]-How to automate createsuperuser on django?
- [Django]-Copy a database column into another in Django
- [Django]-Django get objects not referenced by foreign key
You can use python3 to run file, if you don’t want to use virtualenv.python3 manage.py runserver
- [Django]-What's the best solution for OpenID with Django?
- [Django]-How to properly use the "choices" field option in Django
- [Django]-Django Templating: how to access properties of the first item in a list
If you are working on a machine where it doesn’t have permissions to all the files and moreover you have two versions such as default 2.7 & latest 3.6 then while running the command use the python version with the command. If the latest python is installed with sudo then run the command with sudo.
sudo python3.6 manage.py runserver
- [Django]-Django Forms: if not valid, show form with error message
- [Django]-Multiple Database Config in Django 1.2
- [Django]-Complete django DB reset
after activating virtual env that error raises up on ubuntu.
and I solve this issue just by typing again :
pip3 install Django
inside the directory which is I want to create a new app.
- [Django]-What is the use of PYTHONUNBUFFERED in docker file?
- [Django]-Convert seconds to hh:mm:ss in Python
- [Django]-Django override save for model only in some cases?
I solved this problem in a completely different way.
Package installer = Conda (Miniconda)
List of available envs = base, djenv(Django environment created for keeping project related modules).
When I was using the command line to activate the djenv using conda activate djenv
, the base environment was already activated. I did not notice that and when djenv was activated, (djenv)
was being displayed at the beginning of the prompt on the command line. When i tired executing , python manage.py migrate
, this happened.
ImportError: Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you forget to activate a virtual environment?
I deactivated the current environment, i.e conda deactivate
. This deactivated djenv
. Then, i deactivated the base
After that, I again activated djenv
. And the command worked like a charm!!
If someone is facing a similar issue, I hope you should consider trying this as well. Maybe it helps.
- [Django]-Django: list all reverse relations of a model
- [Django]-How to set the timezone in Django
- [Django]-Django – No such table: main.auth_user__old
Instead of creating a new virtual environment, you just have to access to your initially created virtual environment when you started the project.
You just have to do the following in your command line:
1)pipenv shell
to access the backend virtual environment that you have initially created.
2) Then, python manage.py runserver
Let me know if it works for you or not.
- [Django]-Django set default form values
- [Django]-How to obtain a QuerySet of all rows, with specific fields for each one of them?
- [Django]-Django error – matching query does not exist
To create a virtual environment for your project, open a new command prompt, navigate to the folder where you want to create your project and then enter the following:
py -m venv project-name
This will create a folder called ‘project-name’ if it does not already exist and setup the virtual environment. To activate the environment, run:
The virtual environment will be activated and you’ll see “(project-name)” next to the command prompt to designate that. Each time you start a new command prompt, you’ll need to activate the environment again.
Install Django
Django can be installed easily using pip within your virtual environment.
In the command prompt, ensure your virtual environment is active, and execute the following command:
py -m pip install Django
- [Django]-Trying to migrate in Django 1.9 — strange SQL error "django.db.utils.OperationalError: near ")": syntax error"
- [Django]-How about having a SingletonModel in Django?
- [Django]-Django middleware difference between process_request and process_view
You probably upgrated Python before running into this problem. When you upgrade Python, the Virtual Environment usually breaks. Generally people suggests to recreate the virtual environment and re-install all the dependencies with pips, but this is not always desirable and it is very annoying that it heppens each time Python gets upgrated. Some other people suggest using Docker, and it would work if you are a Docker user. But I have found a solution that allows you to continue to use the same virtual environment, even if the Python version has changed. I have only tested it with venv under Linux. But it should work with others virtual environments and even under Windows with minor adjustements. Here is a simple, step-by-step solution:
Step 1: Navigate into your virtual environment folder and locate the file pyvenv.cfg. Open it for editing.
Step 2: Update the version line with your current Python version. For example if your previous version was 3.11.3 and your new version is 3.11.5 edit the line like that
version = 3.11.5
Save and close the file. But you did not finish yet.
Step 3: Navigate through the bin directory of your virtual environment (in Windows it is the scripts directory) and open a console inside it (in my system I do it with shift+f4).
Step 4: In this directory there is a symbolic link named "python" wich points to /usr/bin/python3.x (where x is the version number). Delete it.
Step 5: Recreate the symbolic link. It should point to your python executable in /usr/bin. For example if your new python version here /usr/bin/3.11 then the symbolic link should be
ln -s /usr/bin/python3.11 python
Step 6: Activate your virtual environment again if you did not it already and now,
python manage.py
runserver and all other related commands should work like a charm.
- [Django]-How to create an object for a Django model with a many to many field?
- [Django]-Chaining multiple filter() in Django, is this a bug?
- [Django]-List_display – boolean icons for methods
In case you have virtual env activated, django installed, django-admin –version prints the valid version – check if there is no circular import in the file you are executing.
- [Django]-Django storages aws s3 delete file from model record
- [Django]-Favorite Django Tips & Features?
- [Django]-Disable session creation in Django
I faced the same problem when I was doing it on windows 10. The problem could be that the path is not defined for manage.py in the environment variables. I did the following steps and it worked out for me!
- Go to Start menu and search for manage.py.
- Right click on it and select “copy full path”.
- Go to your “My Computer” or “This PC”.
- Right click and select “Properties”.
- Select Advanced settings.
- Select “Environment Variables.”
- In the lower window, find “Path”, click on it and click edit.
- Finally, click on “Add New”.
- Paste the copied path with CTRL-V.
- Click OK and then restart you CMD with Administrator privileges.
I really hope it works!
- [Django]-Django get a QuerySet from array of id's in specific order
- [Django]-Django Static files 404
- [Django]-Select between two dates with Django
Looks like you have not activated your virtualenv when using the runserver command.
Windows: <virtualenv dir>\Scripts\activate.bat
Linux: source <virtualenv dir>\bin\activate
You should see (name of virtualenv) as a prefix to your current directory:
(virtualenv) E:\video course\Python\code\web_worker\MxOnline>python manage.py runserver
- [Django]-Jquery template tags conflict with Django template!
- [Django]-How to disable Django's CSRF validation?
- [Django]-Creating a JSON response using Django and Python
windows :
(virtualenv dir)\Scripts\activate # this step to activate virtualenv
you should be in the dir of (project name)
python manage.py runserver
- [Django]-Images from ImageField in Django don't load in template
- [Django]-What is reverse()?
- [Django]-Django – iterate number in for loop of a template
you need to go to the root directory
and run the below command
source bin/activate
Once the above command is executed, you will be able to create custom apps
- [Django]-Django REST Framework: adding additional field to ModelSerializer
- [Django]-Paginate relationship in Django REST Framework?
- [Django]-What is the difference between {% load staticfiles %} and {% load static %}
I also face the same problem in windows 10 with anaconda
For me anaconda3\Scripts>activate
it’s working good. What you have to do you just need to go to anaconda home
and you need to open a cmd prompt and type activate.
It will activate the venv for you.
- [Django]-Python/Django: how to assert that unit test result contains a certain string?
- [Django]-How can I chain Django's "in" and "iexact" queryset field lookups?
- [Django]-Django 1.5 – How to use variables inside static tag
if you don’t want to deactivate or activate the already installed venv just ensure you have set the pythonpath set
set pythonpath=C:\software\venv\include;C:\software\venv\lib;C:\software\venv\scripts;C:\software\venv\tcl;C:\software\venv\Lib\site-packages;
and then execute
“%pythonpath%” %venvpath%Scripts\mytestsite\manage.py runserver “%ipaddress%”:8000
- [Django]-How to create a Django queryset filter comparing two date fields in the same model
- [Django]-Using Python's os.path, how do I go up one directory?
- [Django]-Function decorators with parameters on a class based view in Django
The problem is related to this error: Execution Policy Change
Start virtualenv by running the following command:
Command Line
C: \ Users \ Name \ yourdjangofilesname > myvenv \ Scripts \ activate
NOTE: On Windows 10, you may receive an error by Windows PowerShell that the implementation of these scenarios is disabled on this system. In this case, open another Windows PowerShell with the "Run as Administrator" option. After that, try typing the following commands before starting your virtual environment:
C:\WINDOWS\system32> set-executionpolicy remotesigned
Execution Policy Change:
The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.
Do you want to change the execution policy? [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): A
After selection Y(es), close the Powershell admin window, and then go back to the Powershell Window(where you got the error) and run the command again.
> myenv\Scripts\activate and then python manage.py runserver 8085 ,
(8085 or any number if you want to change its default port to work on otherwise you dont need to point out anything. )
- [Django]-Reference list item by index within Django template?
- [Django]-How to set a Django model field's default value to a function call / callable (e.g., a date relative to the time of model object creation)
- [Django]-What's the purpose of Django setting ‘SECRET_KEY’?
I had same problem, I installed all dependencies with root access :
In your case:
sudo pip install django
In my case, I had all dependencies in requirements.txt
, So:
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- [Django]-Django 1.3.1 compilemessages. Error: sh: msgfmt: command not found
- [Django]-Virtualenv and source version control
- [Django]-How do I run tests against a Django data migration?
- [Django]-What is the most efficient way to store a list in the Django models?
- [Django]-How to migrate back from initial migration in Django 1.7?
- [Django]-How to output Django queryset as JSON?
I had this problem with Django 3.
On manage.py
detail the execute_from_command_line
You should have:
from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
Instead of
from django import execute_from_command_line
- [Django]-CORS error while consuming calling REST API with React
- [Django]-In django do models have a default timestamp field?
- [Django]-Django: Group by date (day, month, year)
I had the same problem and my solution was not posted here:
How I got the error
My error came whenever I was installation the requirements.txt
file with pip
(let’s say from cloning a git repository).
I manually installed each of the modules in the requirements.txt
+ any other module needed for the installation of those modules (e.g: I got errors and some modules where missing to install other modules so I had to add them too).
- [Django]-What is the Simplest Possible Payment Gateway to Implement? (using Django)
- [Django]-How to add new languages into Django? My language "Uyghur" or "Uighur" is not supported in Django
- [Django]-Django Form File Field disappears on form error
If there is anyone who faced with the same problem when using virtual environment and running on MacOS, just try
sudo python manage.py startapp <project_name>
instead of
python manage.py startapp <project_name>
It will solve the problem suprisingly!
- [Django]-Why does my Django admin site not have styles / CSS loading?
- [Django]-Remove pk field from django serialized objects
- [Django]-Can we append to a {% block %} rather than overwrite?
I had to install django using the virtual environment pip3 executable directly:
cd [virtual environment folder]/bin
sudo ./pip3 install django
- [Django]-Django manage.py runserver invalid syntax
- [Django]-How can I filter a date of a DateTimeField in Django?
- [Django]-Django development server reload takes too long
If you already installed Django / configured virtualenv and you still having the error:
ImportError: Couldn’t import Django. Are you sure it’s installed and
available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable?
Try to run the command pipenv shell before start the server with py manage.py runserver
- [Django]-Set Django's FileField to an existing file
- [Django]-Django – How to set default value for DecimalField in django 1.3?
- [Django]-Django upgrading to 1.9 error "AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet."
Just had this issue in VScode. I had a virtual environment set up and Django was installed. My server ran fine but whenever I tried running the debugger, VScode would throw the ImportError and deactivate my virtual environment.
Fixed it by restarting VScode.
Try the other answers first, make sure your virtual environment is set up and you can run your server. Then if it still doesn’t work, restart your IDE.
- [Django]-How do you change the collation type for a MySQL column?
- [Django]-Django – No module named _sqlite3
- [Django]-Authenticate by IP address in Django
I had the same error, might have been for different reasons but just in case others find their way to this page who had my problem, this page solved it.
- [Django]-Django check for any exists for a query
- [Django]-How do you configure Django to send mail through Postfix?
- [Django]-How to get form fields' id in Django
If you have many python version installed for example python 3.6 & python 3.7 Interpreters .
Django may be installed on python 3.7 version not in 3.6 and you choose the Interpreter with 3.6 the problem arise, you need to change your interpreter to solve that .
- [Django]-How do you perform Django database migrations when using Docker-Compose?
- [Django]-Annotate a queryset with the average date difference? (django)
- [Django]-Create if doesn't exist
- [Django]-Django. A good tutorial for Class Based Views
- [Django]-How to understand lazy function in Django utils functional module
- [Django]-How to get the ID of a just created record in Django?
If you are using python 3 use py
in front of cmd code, like this
py manage.py runserver
- [Django]-ForeignKey to abstract class (generic relations)
- [Django]-Django TypeError: get() got multiple values for keyword argument 'invoice_id'
- [Django]-How do you Serialize the User model in Django Rest Framework