[Django]-Reference list item by index within Django template?



It looks like {{ data.0 }}. See Variables and lookups.


A better way: custom template filter: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-template-tags/

such as get my_list[x] in templates:

in template

{% load index %}
{{ my_list|index:x }}


from django import template
register = template.Library()

def index(indexable, i):
    return indexable[i]

if my_list = [['a','b','c'], ['d','e','f']], you can use {{ my_list|index:x|index:y }} in template to get my_list[x][y]

It works fine with β€œfor”

{{ my_list|index:forloop.counter0 }}

Tested and works well ^_^


{{ data.0 }} should work.

Let’s say you wrote data.obj django tries data.obj and data.obj(). If they don’t work it tries data["obj"]. In your case data[0] can be written as {{ data.0 }}. But I recommend you to pull data[0] in the view and send it as separate variable.


@jennifer06262016, you can definitely add another filter to return the objects inside a django Queryset.

def get_item(Queryset):
    return Queryset.your_item_key

In that case, you would type something like this {{ Queryset|index:x|get_item }} into your template to access some dictionary object. It works for me.


first make sure that the app contain custom tag function is added to INSTALLED APP follow the instruction below

1 in the main directory app create another directory with name templatetags at the same level as model.py,views.py,urls.py.

2 inside of templatetags directory create init.py and another file with the name of your custom tags, for example: my_tags.py.


in your template you would use the following:

{% load my_tags.py %}

in my_tags.py:

from django import template 
register = template.Library()
def get(indexable, i):
    return indexable[i]

in views.py:

number = [0,1,2,3,4,5]

return render(
    "index.html", {"number":number}


in index.html:

{% load my_tags %}


reference How to create custom template tags and filters

i hope you understand, because ingles not my native language

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