can be compiled on Windows only using cygwin
. There is no such thing as uname
in normal Windows console, but it exists inside cygwin
. If you’re already in cygwin console, try to run uname
command, if that exists, check if os.uname()
in python inside cygwin
is also working.
Latest news from the front, uWSGI perfectly works on Windows 10 in bash on Ubuntu on Windows
As Linux subsystem still in beta, i’d not recommend for production usage, however this will cover all dev needs.
P.S. i know that op ask about Windows 7, however as Windows 10 and Linux subsystem come to Windows world later, i think i can leave this here.
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uWSGI can be compiled on Windows using Cygwin. But unfortunately, I was getting the same message with the Cygwin.
Here I am sharing the other way to install uWSGI on windows.
Step 1: Download the stable release and extract the tar file
Step 2: Open uwsgiconfig.py and import platform then replace os.uname()[index]
with platform.uname()[index]
uwsgi_os = os.uname()[0]
uwsgi_os_k = re.split('[-+_]', os.uname()[2])[0]
uwsgi_os_v = os.uname()[3]
uwsgi_cpu = os.uname()[4]
import platform
uwsgi_os = platform.uname()[0]
uwsgi_os_k = re.split('[-+_]', platform.uname()[2])[0]
uwsgi_os_v = platform.uname()[3]
uwsgi_cpu = platform.uname()[4]
Step 3: Run python setup.py install
Note: You may need to install GCC and configure it.
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