Chartjs-Gap between half doughnut chart and container div



It’s a bit of a hacky solution, but setting layout.padding to -10 fits your doughnut more neatly in your container:

var data = {
  labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul"],
  datasets: [
      label: "Dataset #1",
      backgroundColor: "rgba(255,99,132,0.2)",
      borderColor: "rgba(255,99,132,1)",
      borderWidth: 2,
      hoverBackgroundColor: "rgba(255,99,132,0.4)",
      hoverBorderColor: "rgba(255,99,132,1)",
      data: [65, 59, 20, 81, 56, 55, 40]

var option = {
  rotation: 1 * Math.PI,
  circumference: 1 * Math.PI,
  responsive: true,
  aspectRatio: 2,
  title: { display: false },
  legend: { display: false },
  layout: {
    padding: -10
  scales: {
    xAxes: [
        gridLines: {
          drawBorder: false,
          display: false
        ticks: {
          display: false
    yAxes: [
        gridLines: {
          drawBorder: false,
          display: false
        ticks: {
          display: false

Chart.Doughnut("chart_0", {
  options: option,
  data: data
body {  
  background: white;
  padding: 16px;

canvas {
  border: 1px dotted red;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="chart-container" style="position: relative; height:16vh; width:32vh">
<canvas id="chart_0"></canvas>


I got it centered by removing the inline styles and adding them to the class attached to the div.

I also added the layout.padding into your options.

layout: {
  padding: {
   left: 0,
   top: 10,
   right: 10,
   bottom: 0

Adding codepen for reference.

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