Chartjs-Canvas not rendering after animation without resizing viewport


You could try to call for a chart .update() see docs on updates when the #graphTwo becomes visible. (Because, that’s what happens when you resize the viewport -> update chart)

if(!$("#graphTwo").hasClass("toggled")) {
  $("#graphTwo").animate({"height": "350px"}).removeClass("toggled");
  $("#graphTwo").animate({"width": "700px"});
  /** add chart update here **/
  the_chart_2.update(); // --> put the Chart instance

But you should be careful at this notice from the Responsive page docs:

Important Note Detecting when the canvas size changes can not be done
directly from the canvas element. Chart.js uses its parent container
to update the canvas render and display sizes.

I think that if the parent is not visible then the Chart is initiated, or updated, then you can have problems with rendering the chart later. So, maybe the safest way to do it is to update the chart, after the animation has finished.

if(!$("#graphTwo").hasClass("toggled")) {
    "height": "350px",
    "width": "700px"
  500, /* speed */
    // Animation ended
    /** add chart update here **/
    the_chart_2.update(); // --> put the Chart instance
  }).removeClass("toggled"); // ?      

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