[Vuejs]-Include Vue runtime separately than single file component with Browserify



I figured it out eventually, part of the issue was other problems in the our Vue building in Grunt.

But this is the Grunt commands we have for buildings the runtime and SFCs separately

vueRuntime: {
    expand: true,
    cwd: 'node_modules/vue/dist/',
    src: 'vue.runtime.min.js',
    dest: 'js/libs',
    ext: '.js',
    extDot: 'first',
    options: {
        configure: b => b
                // Required in order to process node_modules files
                {global: true},
                envify({NODE_ENV: 'production'})
        browserifyOptions: {
            debug: false
vue: {
    expand: true,
    cwd: 'js/pages/',
    src: '**/*.vue.js',
    dest: 'js/pages',
    ext: '.js',
    extDot: 'first',
    options: {
        configure: b => b
                // Required in order to process node_modules files
                {global: true},
                envify({NODE_ENV: 'production'})
        browserifyOptions: {
            debug: false

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