[Vuejs]-How to pass variable from Vuex store to a function as value?


This is almost certainly a duplicate question. You can refer to my answer here.

Basically you should pass the Vuex value to a local data item and use that in your component function. Something like this.

export default {
  data: () => ({
    localDataItem: this.$store.getters.vuexItem,
  methods: {
    doSomething() {
      use this.localDataItem.here


    The canonical way of handling this by using computed properties. You define a computed property with getter and setter and proxy access to vuex thru it.

    computed: {
         localProperty: {
            get: function () {
                return this.$store.getters.data
            set: function (val) {
                this.$store.commit(“mutationName”, val )

    Now you can use localProperty just as we use any other property defined on data. And all the changes get propagated thru the store.


      Try if this work

          <input :value="user" @change="onChangeUser($event.target.value)"></input>
      computed: {
          user() {
            return this.$store.getters[ 'security/localUser' ]
      methods: {
        onChangeUser(user) {
          this.$store.commit( 'security/setLocalUser', user );
         async submitForm(){
            this.$Amplify.Auth.completeNewPassword( this.user, this.model.password, this.requiredAttributes )
              .then( data => {

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