[Vuejs]-Try to understand Vue2's $emit


Simply put, $emit register an event in a component, and then you can listen to this event in other places wherever the component is used.

Say if you have a Child.vue and somewhere in this component, you did:


Then you can listen to this event when Child component is reused, for instance in another component SomeComponent.vue, you can do:

    <child @some-event="doSomething"></child>

So here the event is triggered in the child component, but you decide what to do in the parent component with doSomething. Hope this makes sense!



The wording on the docs might create confusion to some people.

Maybe something in the lines of: “Makes the vm current instance dispatch an event” would be clearer?

In the end it is just a classic pub/sub pattern: your component instance emits / dispatches / fires an event, and other components (typically the parent one) listen / subscribe (v-on / @) to that event.


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