[Vuejs]-Is it possbile to not to show source code in vue?


There is a solution, you can try this in the "vue.config.js"

module.exports = {
productionSourceMap: true,

This option will tell Webpack to exclude the source code. Could be a solution for you.



Most commonly such a structured view is available only in development environment.

When the code is shipped to production environment it’s normally minimized & bundled into one or several files which already makes it quite hard to read.

If you want to "hide" it from the user even further, you can use code obfuscation tools (you will likely need to pay for them) or move sensitive parts of your code to serverland.

Generally speaking, the only bulletproof way to hide the code from your users is never ship it to their browsers.

Whether the code is obfuscated or not, the user is alway able to change it & run. Obfuscation just makes it significantly more difficult.


having the same issue here.
The Original Source files are NOT even close to the Server its running on and i tried multiple, independent Pcs now and everytime it showns me the full original source code in the Source list in chrome.

I dont really mind "showing" the source code but what annoys me is that this way people can literally steal the source and built the exact software on their own and it exposed stuff about my pc like directory of stuff, my full name (due to windows username), etc.

👤Lars H

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