[Vuejs]-Vuejs – Vuex behavior when committing a property


You’re passing an object without a password property defined, so it’s going to update the state object accordingly.

I’d just loop through the properties of the payload to update each related state object property. And as @82Tuskers pointed out, you’ll need to use Vue.set if the property in the payload object doesn’t yet exist on the state object (otherwise the property won’t be reactive):

authUser: (state, payload) => {
  for (prop in payload) {
    if (state.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
      state[prop] = payload[prop];
    } else {
      Vue.set(state, prop, payload[prop]);

This way, only the properties being passed in the payload object will be updated on the state object.


It is not strange, it is expected behaviour. Just rewrite your mutation this (recommended) way:

authUser: (state, payload) => {
  state = Object.assign({}, state, payload)


While the other answers seem to fix your issue, it might be worthwhile to put the user-related items into a user object inside the state. It is also best practice to establish your state properties up front so you can avoid having to use Vue.set(...):

state: {
user: {
email: '',
password: ''

…then you could easily avoid looping by using the spread operator: state.user = { ...state.user, ...payload } – this essentially says “take everything currently inside state.user and merge it with payload, overwriting what is in state.user with state.payload


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