You can do multiple assignments by using semicolon like the above statement which you have written.
<div class="location-list__item" v-for="(value, key) in locations.data">
<div class="location-list__item--text"
:class="{ selected: selected === key }"
@click="selected = key;manageSurrounding = false"> # Like this
<i class="fas fa-compass"></i> {{ value.name }}
<span v-if="value.changed" class="has-text-danger"> Changed</span>
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You can use a anonymous function like,
<div onclick="return function()
{ selected = key; manageSurrounding = false }'
Just create a method and put in the update lines, you are better off on the long run, if your list is changing/reordering/re-rendering often.
It’s an optimization opportunity, so don’t try to force it in just because it seems small. Have a look at this answer: anonymus function in template