[Vuejs]-Nuxt.js: How do I create dynamic nuxt-links/routes per article?


  <nuxt-link :to="linkTo">Link</nuxt-link>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      linkTo: '/about'

try this way


First, you will have to create the proper folder structure which enables dymanic routing file system routing

In your case, it could be

  • pages/
    • articles/
      • _id.vue

Add a method to the parent page

this.$router.push({ path: /articles/${articleId} });

Which you will invoked when an article link is clicked. It will navigate to the _id.vue page which is the article page itself. On that page you can check the parameter id with this.$route.params.id if you want to pass is to fetch more data.

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