[Vuejs]-Vue,js vue-router 2 component data doesn't update


Your data object is not part of your Vue component. It is defined outside of your Vue app.

Even though your components – home and site returns the data.content.body object, your main data object is not part of Vue’s reactivity system. Therefore, the changes in that data object are not tracked.

You can read more about it here: https://vuejs.org/guide/reactivity.html

To ensure that this does not happen, you need to define your data as part of your component itself. And you need to do your http calls as part of mounted hook on the route component, which has access to this.data of the component.

If you need to share data between components (most likely), then you need to use state management using vuex that allows you to have a shared state for the entire Vue app.

You can read more about Vuex here: http://vuex.vuejs.org/en/intro.html



Here’s a working example of vue / vue-router / vuex / vue-resource example for API Calls. Thanks at Mani for the hint i needed.

const site = {
    template:'<div>{{ content.title }}</div>',
    computed: {
        content (){
            return store.state.routeContent

const home = {
    template:'<div>{{ content.title }}</div>',
    computed: {
        content (){
            return store.state.routeContent

const notFound = {
    template: '<div>{{ content.title }}</div>',
    computed: {
        content (){
            return store.state.routeContent

const routes = [
    { path: '/api/12.json', component: home, alias: '/' },
    { path: '/api/4.json', component: site, alias: '/projekte' },
    { path: '/api/5.json', component: site, alias: '/projekte/projekt-1' },
    { path: '/api/7.json', component: site, alias: '/projekte/projekt-2' },
    { path: '/api/6.json', component: site, alias: '/projekte/projekt-3' },
    { path: '/api/8.json', component: site, alias: '/agentur' },
    { path: '/api/9.json', component: site, alias: '/lab' },
    { path: '/api/10.json', component: site, alias: '/kontakt' },
    { path: '/*', component: notFound }

const store = new Vuex.Store({
    state: {
        routeContent: null
    mutations: {
        routeContent (state, payload) {
            state.routeContent = payload
            document.title = payload.title

const router = new VueRouter({

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {

    Vue.http.get(to.matched[0].path).then((response) => {
        store.commit('routeContent', response.body)

    }, (response) => {
        errorObject = {
            'title': 'Error 404'
        store.commit('routeContent', errorObject)


const app = new Vue({


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