[Vuejs]-How to avoid component rerendering when route change which similar to keep-alive in vuejs?


It seems that react doesn’t support the similar feature keep-alive. We need to implement it by ourselves.

According to the source code of keep-alive component of vue, we need to cache the virtual dom (vnode in vue) of children in state. The keep-alive component is the wrapper of router, thus the cache will never be pruned when router changed.

In addition, I have a simple approach in my app, if you don’t care about
the performance. The main idea is to hide/show the view component on router changing event, instead of mount/unmount.

      <Route path="/foo" component={Foo} />
      <Route path="/bar" component={Bar} />
    // the alive route match any path so that it will be never rerendered
    <Route path="/:any" component={AliveComponent} />

Codes in AliveComponent:

state = {isShown: false};
componentWillMount () {
  const {history, location} = this.props;
  this.setState({isShown: location.pathname === '/alive-view-path'});

  const unlistenHistory = history.listen(
    ({pathname, state}, action) => {
      this.setState({isShown: pathname === '/alive-view-path'});
componentWillUnmount () {
  if (_.isFunction(this.state.unlistenHistory)) {
render () {
  return <div style={{display: this.state.isShown ? 'block' : 'none'}} />

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