Flutter finished with non-zero exit value 1

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When you encounter the error message “flutter finished with non-zero exit value 1”, it indicates that your Flutter project failed to compile and build successfully. This error can have various causes, but it is commonly related to issues in your code or configuration.

Here are a few possible reasons and examples to help you understand and resolve the issue:

1. Syntax Error: Check your code for any syntax errors, such as missing semicolons or braces in Dart code. These errors can lead to a non-zero exit value during the build process.

// Missing semicolon at the end of the line
var count = 0

// Corrected code
var count = 0;

2. Dependency Conflict: One of your project dependencies might be causing conflicts with other packages or dependencies. Ensure that all your packages are up to date and compatible with each other.

sdk: flutter
package1: 1.0.0
package2: 2.5.0 # May conflict with another package

3. Build Configuration: Check if there are any issues with your build configuration files, such as the `android/app/build.gradle` or `ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj` files. Incorrect configurations can result in build failures.

Example (build.gradle):
// Incorrect configuration causing non-zero exit value
compileSdkVersion 25

// Corrected configuration
compileSdkVersion 30

4. Missing Dependencies: Verify if you have properly declared all required dependencies in your project’s `pubspec.yaml` file. Missing dependencies can lead to build failures.

sdk: flutter
http: ^4.0.0 # Missing dependency (HTTP package)

5. Outdated Flutter SDK: Ensure that you have the latest Flutter SDK installed. Outdated versions might have bugs or compatibility issues that could lead to the mentioned error.

Example (command to update Flutter):
flutter upgrade

These are just some of the possible causes for the “flutter finished with non-zero exit value 1” error. Examining the console output during the build process and checking for any relevant error messages can provide further clues to identify and resolve the issue specific to your project.

Note: The provided examples are for illustrative purposes only and may not directly correspond to the error you’re facing.

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