[Vuejs]-Vue: How to do a nested loop and traverse a multidimensional array?



The <p> element cannot contain a <div>, so the browser hoists it outside, resulting in this template:

<p v-for="(verse, verse_index) in verses" :key="verse_index">
<div v-for="(word, word_index) in verse" :key="word_index">
  {{ word }}

Notice how the second v-for is outside the first v-for that defined verse.

If you really intended to insert the <div> inside <p> for some reason, you can workaround the issue by wrapping the <div> in a <template> to prevent the browser from parsing it:

<p v-for="(verse, verse_index) in verses" :key="verse_index">
  <template> πŸ‘ˆ
    <div v-for="(word, word_index) in verse" :key="word_index">
        {{ word }}




Not sure if you are passing the data value correctly, but I have changed that a bit and its working fine for me .

   data:  () => {
    return {
      verses: [['First', 'Verse'], ['Second', 'Verse']]

And one suggestion. Its not recommended to use div tag inside a p tag



There is nothing wrong with using vue syntax in the above code.

The problem is because <div> is inside <p>

So this will work

<div v-for="(verse, verse_index) in verses" :key="verse_index">
  <div v-for="(word, word_index) in verse" :key="word_index">
    {{ word }}

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