Moment locale not working


The issue with Moment.js locale not working could arise due to various reasons, such as incorrect installation, incorrect usage, or conflicts with other libraries.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Ensure that you have installed the necessary Moment.js locale files. These files contain the translations and formatting rules for different languages. You can import them individually or use the bundled version that includes all locales.
  2. Example:

            <script src="moment.js"></script>
            <script src="moment-with-locales.js"></script>
              moment.locale('fr'); // Set French locale
              const now = moment();
              console.log(now.format('LLLL')); // Output: Mercredi 12 janvier 2022 08:30
  3. Make sure that the correct locale key is used when setting the locale. For example, 'fr' for French, 'de' for German, 'es' for Spanish, etc. You can find the list of available locales in the Moment.js documentation.
  4. Example:

            moment.locale('de'); // Set German locale
  5. Check for any conflicts with other libraries or code that might override or interfere with Moment.js locale settings. Make sure that Moment.js is loaded before any other script that may use or modify its locale settings.
  6. If Moment.js locale still does not work, try to update to the latest version of Moment.js. Newer versions may have fixed any known issues or bugs related to locale settings.

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