Hint: update the relation to point at ‘settings.auth_user_model’.

To format the answer as an HTML content in a `

` without the ``, `

`, and `` tags, you can use the following code:


To update the relation to point at ‘settings.auth_user_model’, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the project’s settings.py file.
  2. Locate the line that defines the AUTH_USER_MODEL variable.
  3. Modify the value of AUTH_USER_MODEL to ‘settings.auth_user_model’.

Here’s an example of how your updated settings.py file might look like:

      # settings.py

      AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'settings.auth_user_model'


In this example, we use an HTML `

` element to wrap the content. Inside the `

`, we use `

` tags to create paragraphs and provide explanations. The `

    ` tag is used to format the steps in an ordered list, and the `

  1. ` tags are used to create individual list items. The updated settings.py file example is displayed using the `
    ` and `` tags to preserve its formatting.

    Please note that this HTML code is meant to be used within a larger HTML document that includes the necessary `` and `` tags.

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