Expression expected.ts(1109)

Sure! Here’s an example of an HTML content formatted within a div without the body, H1, and HTML tags:


Error: expression expected.ts(1109)

Explanation: This error occurs when the TypeScript compiler encounters a statement or expression that is missing or not in the correct format.


// Incorrect usage: missing expression
let x;
if (x) {
  console.log('x is truthy');

// Correct usage: providing an expression
let y = 5;
if (y) {
  console.log('y is truthy');

In the example above, an “expression expected” error would occur on the line where variable x is declared. The if statement is expecting an expression within the parenthesis, but it is missing in this case.

To fix the error, we can assign a value to x or remove the if statement if it’s unnecessary.


In this example, the error message “expression expected.ts(1109)” is explained with a description and an example code snippet. The code snippet showcases the incorrect usage that leads to the error, as well as the correct usage to avoid the error.

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