Error response from daemon: unauthorized: the client does not have permission for manifest

When you encounter the error message “error response from daemon: unauthorized: the client does not have permission for manifest” while working with Docker, it typically indicates a permission issue with pulling or accessing a Docker image.

This error usually occurs when the Docker client does not have the necessary permissions to retrieve or use a specific Docker image manifest. The image manifest contains information about the image, such as its layers, dependencies, and metadata.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Verify Docker Registry Authentication: Make sure you are authenticated with the Docker registry that hosts the image you are trying to pull. Use the ‘docker login’ command and provide the correct credentials to authenticate yourself.
  2. Check Image Visibility: Ensure that the image you are trying to pull is public or that you have the necessary permissions (read access) to pull it from a private registry. If the image is private, check your access controls and make sure you have been granted the required privileges.
  3. Pull a Different Image Tag: If you are encountering the error with a specific image tag, try pulling a different tag of the same image or a different image altogether. It could be possible that the tag you are trying to access does not exist or is restricted.
  4. Remove Cached Manifests: Docker caches manifest metadata for faster access. Sometimes, removing the local cache can help resolve the error. Execute the ‘docker system prune –all’ command to clean up the Docker system, including cached manifests.

Here are a few examples of commands that can be used to address this issue:

$ docker login
$ docker pull
$ docker system prune --all

Make sure to replace ‘’ with the correct URL of your Docker registry and ‘my-image’ with the desired image name/tag.

Following these steps should help you resolve the “error response from daemon: unauthorized: the client does not have permission for manifest” error and successfully pull or work with Docker images.

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