The problem in your demo is that the component is being rendered server-side, which has no Local Storage, so useStorage()
defaults to the given initial value.
One workaround is to render the component on the client only, using the <client-only>
<component-that-uses-local-storage />
for store like this like @tony19 said
export const useAuthStore = defineStore({
id: 'auth.store',
state: () => {
token: {
accessToken: useStorage('accessToken', [XXXX], undefined, { serializer: StorageSerializers.object }),
refreshToken: useStorage('refreshToken', [YYYY], undefined, { serializer: StorageSerializers.object })
is default value
after ssr pinia.state.value
become to
window.__INITIAL_SSR_CONTEXT__ = {
state: {
"auth.store": {
on client side reasign the json object to store like this
const ssr_state = (window as any)['__INITIAL_SSR_CONTEXT__']?.['state']
if (ssr_state) {
pinia.state.value = ssr_state
so the accessToken
, refreshToken
property changes to plan object on client side, you can change it but the storage don’t update.
my solution:
add one action to store
// ...
// call this once when isSSR is true on client side entry
reasignToken() {
this.token = {
accessToken: useStorage('accessToken', this.token.accessToken, undefined, {
serializer: StorageSerializers.object
refreshToken: useStorage('refreshToken', this.token.refreshToken, undefined, {
serializer: StorageSerializers.object
// regular call on server side and client side
setToken(token) {