The error you’re facing happens when you’re trying to mutate the value of a prop
, because prop
values are coming from parents. If the parent changes it, your change inside the child will be overwritten.
Thus, when a child needs to change a prop
, it has to emit an event to the parent, update the parent value which, in turn flows the change back into the child, via the prop.
Props down, events up!
To eliminate part of the boilerplate for this mechanism, Vue 2 provided the .sync
In Vue3, .sync
was deprecated and removed (breaking change)!
has been replaced by v-model:someProp
, because:
- they were providing the same functionality (dual binding),
- this increased the confusion between the two syntaxes and their particular implementation details.
- now
behaviour is aligned across native form elements and Vue components.
Vue’s author (Evan You), has declared over the past years that, going forward, the core team’s intention is to reduce the API surface, by removing unnecessary or confusing syntax options.
Vue 2 example:
Vue.component('tab', {
template: `#tab-tpl`,
props: ['index', 'text'],
computed: {
tIndex: {
get() { return this.index },
set(val) { this.$emit('update:index', val); }
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({
tabs: [{text: 'one'}, {text: 'two'}, {text: 'three'}],
tabIndex: 0
computed: {
currentIndex: {
get() { return this.tabIndex },
set(val) {
this.tabIndex = (this.tabs.length + val) % this.tabs.length;
.tab-pills {
display: flex;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
cursor: pointer;
.active {
color: red;
.tab-pills > div { padding: .3rem .7rem; }
.tab-content { padding: 1rem .7rem; }
.tab-body { padding: 1rem 0 }
<script src="https://v2.vuejs.org/js/vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<div class="tab-pills">
<div v-for="(tab, key) in tabs"
:class="{ active: key === currentIndex }"
@click="currentIndex = key">
<tab :index.sync="currentIndex" :text="tabs[currentIndex].text" class="tab-content"></tab>
<template id="tab-tpl">
<div v-text="text" class="tab-body"></div>
<button @click="tIndex -= 1">Prev</button>
<button @click="tIndex += 1">Next</button>
Same thing, in Vue 3 (Composition API):
const { defineComponent, toRefs, reactive, computed, createApp } = Vue;
const Tab = defineComponent({
template: '#tab-tpl',
props: ['index', 'text'],
setup: (props, { emit }) => ({
tIndex: computed({
get: () => props.index,
set: val => emit('update:index', val)
const Tabs = defineComponent({
template: '#tabs-tpl',
components: { Tab },
setup() {
const state = reactive({
tabs: ['one', 'two', 'three'].map(text => ({ text })),
tabIndex: 0,
currentIndex: computed({
get: () => state.tabIndex,
set: val => state.tabIndex = (state.tabs.length + val) % state.tabs.length
return {...toRefs(state)}
.tab-pills {
display: flex;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
cursor: pointer;
.active {
color: red;
.tab-pills > div { padding: .3rem .7rem; }
.tab-content { padding: 1rem .7rem; }
.tab-body { padding: 1rem 0 }
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3.2/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
<div id="app"></div>
<template id="tabs-tpl">
<div class="tab-pills">
<div v-for="(tab, key) in tabs"
:class="{ active: key === currentIndex }"
@click="currentIndex = key">
<tab v-model:index="currentIndex"
<template id="tab-tpl">
<div v-text="text" class="tab-body"></div>
<button @click="tIndex -= 1">Prev</button>
<button @click="tIndex += 1">Next</button>
In both examples, the tab controls at the top change tabIndex
at parent level.
The buttons inside the tab, change it from the child (by emitting the updated value to parent).
The important part is that tabIndex
changes in parent component, which drives the update in the child. Don’t mind the currentIndex
computed in parent, that’s just an implementation detail (it allows going to first tab when clicking Next
on last tab and going to last when hitting Prev
on first tab – that’s the only reason why I added it, it’s not necessary for all of this to work).
If something is unclear, check the doc links I posted above, for the Vue version you’re using.