Typeerror: signal.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘providing_args’

Error: TypeError: signal.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘providing_args’

Explanation: This error occurs when trying to initialize a signal with an unexpected keyword argument ‘providing_args’.


    from django.dispatch import Signal

    # Define a custom signal
    my_signal = Signal(providing_args=['data'])

    # Connect a receiver to the signal
    def my_receiver(sender, **kwargs):
        data = kwargs.get('data')
        print('Received data:', data)


    # Send the signal
    data = 'Hello world!'
    my_signal.send(sender=None, data=data)

In the above example, we define a custom signal “my_signal” that takes an argument ‘data’. We then connect a receiver function “my_receiver” to the signal, which simply prints the received data. Finally, we send the signal with some data and the receiver function gets called.

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