[Vuejs]-How can we make Rust struct instance methods available to Vue frontend using Tauri?



The #[tauri::command] is good and all for pure functions, but what happens if we need to preserve some kind of state in the backend, lets say that of a struct instance?

In Tauri youโ€™d do this not with methods, but with State handled by your Tauri app with the Manager::manage method (similar to how endpoints in Rust web frameworks like Actix, Axum or Rocket work). Read more about state management in tauri in this section of the guide.

I.e. this could be a setup that works for Tauri using your RandomNumberGenerator as state while exposing your generate command to Vue.js:

use tauri::State;

pub struct RandomNumberGenerator
    used_numbers_repository: Vec<i64>,

pub fn generate(rng: State<RandomNumberGenerator>, minimum: i64, maximum: i64) -> String {

fn main() {
    let ng = RandomNumberGenerator::new();

        .manage(ng) // manage ng as app state
        .expect("error while running tauri application");

In Vue youโ€™d invoke this command like you do in your example:

await invoke("generate", { minimum: minimum.value, maximum: maximum.value })


After the accepted answer, the code in main.rs became like this:

#![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")]

use tauri::State;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use number_generator::RandomNumberGenerator;
mod number_generator;

fn generate(rng: State<Mutex<RandomNumberGenerator>>, minimum: i64, maximum: i64) -> String {
    rng.lock().unwrap().generate(minimum, maximum)

fn numbers(rng: State<Mutex<RandomNumberGenerator>>) -> String {

fn main() {
    let rng = Mutex::new(RandomNumberGenerator::new());

        .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![generate, numbers])
        .expect("error while running tauri application");

And added in Generate.vue:

const generatedMessage = ref("");
const usedNumbers = ref("");
generatedMessage.value = await invoke("generate", { minimum: minimum.value, maximum: maximum.value })
usedNumbers.value = await invoke("numbers")
<h4>Used numbers</h4>
<p>{{ usedNumbers }}</p>

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