[Vuejs]-Appending specific query-params from prev route to new route in Vue router


You’re on the right path. Your error might come from query conflicts. You could try validating the query params from both directions first and then pass them along:

// guards.js
export const persistRouteQuery = (to, from, next) => {
    const query = { ...to.query, ...from.query }

    if (!Object.keys(to.query).length && Object.keys(from.query).length) {
        next({ ...to, query })
    } else {

// router.js

Heres a more robust solution based on the previous code and your example that passes along only explicitly defined route queries:

// guards.js
const persistentQueries = ['displayNav']

const hasQuery = (route, queryKeys = [])=> {
    const keys = Object.keys(route.query)
    const hasKeys = !!keys.length

    if (queryKeys.length && hasKeys) {
        return keys.some((k) => queryKeys.includes(k))

    return hasKeys

const toWithQuery = (to, path, queryKeys) => {
    const query = to.query
    const params = to.params

    const withQuery = queryKeys.reduce((keys, key) => {
        if (query[key]) {
            keys[key] = query[key]

        return keys
    }, {})

    return { path, params, query: withQuery }

export const persistRouteQuery = (to, from, next) => {
    if (!hasQuery(to) && hasQuery(from, persistentQueries)) {
        next(toWithQuery({ ...to, query: from.query }, to.path, persistentQueries))
    } else {

// router.js

There is also another thread about passing query params to child routes that might help you.

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