[Vuejs]-Vue3 โ€“ Bind multiple named v-model dynamically


You can build your own v-model like this:

<!-- parent component -->
<component :is="field.component" v-bind="field.props" @updateValue="onUpdateValue"></component>

<script lang="ts" setup>
function onUpdateValue(field: string, value: any){
  field.models[field] = value
<!-- child component -->
<input :value="somePropsField" @input="$emit('updateValue', 'somePropsField', $event)"></input>

In the child component, you emit an event called updateValue with a field name to update, and the value of that field. And in the parent component, you listen to that event and update the data accordingly



To whoever encounters the same need, you can add bindings for :<REF_NAME> and onUpdate:<REF_NAME>. The parent component will be in control of the child component model, it might not be the cleanest way to achieve it but it achieve the purpose.

I link an updated DEMO if needed

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, reactive, shallowRef } from 'vue'
import MainRenderer, { FormField } from './MainRenderer.vue'
import Foo from './Foo.vue'
import Bar from './Bar.vue'

function defineNamedModel(name: string, model: Ref){
    // A generic function to avoid repeating code
    let binding = `:${name}`
    let updateCallback = `onUpdate:${name}` 
    return {
        [binding]: model,
        [updateCallback]:((v: any) => model.value = v)

const inputFoo = ref('fooValue')
const inputBar = ref('barValue')
const foo = ref(false)
const bar = ref(false)

const fields: FormField[] = reactive([
        name: "Foo - String Input Field",
        model: shallowRef(inputFoo),
        props: { class: 'dummy-class', placeholder: "Input A" },
        component: Foo
        name: "Bar - Multi Item Input Field",
        model: shallowRef(inputBar),
        props: { class: 'dummy-class', ...defineNamedModel('bar', bar)},
        component: Bar

const action = async function () {

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