[Vuejs]-Dynamically created input. Can't use $refs so how to get e.g. focus?


Usually, we have e.g. a span before editing, and would use v-show rather than v-if on it since we still need it after editing, and each input is coupled with its according span, so something like event.target.nextSibling.focus() will do the job.

I prefer event.target... to $refs as declaring $refs adds complexity to the component’s structure while the other is just something only relevant within the click event.


If you really wanted to avoid the use of vanilla js (apart from for focusing) then I’d suggest you have to move your list elements into a component:

Vue.component('list-items', {
        	<button @click="edit">edit</button>
            <input v-if="editing" ref="input" type="text" :value="value" @input="$emit('input', $event.target.value)">
    props: ['value'],
    data () {
    	return {
        	editing: false,
    methods: {
    	edit () {
        	this.editing = !this.editing
            if (this.editing) {
            	this.$nextTick(() => {

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {
        list: [{
            title: 'foo',
        }, {
            title: 'bar',
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>

<div id="app">
    <list-items v-model="item.title" v-for="item in list"></list-items>
    <pre>{{ list }}</pre>

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