Comparing the two technologies here there performance is highly comparable, with Elm having a bit of an edge on startup time, and partial updates. Both technologies have an incremental adoption model, meaning that integrated Vue and or Elm into existing code bases is straight forward. Both utilize a virtual dom, ensuring your html never becomes out of sync with your javascript. Lastly, as far as hirability, where neither library is as popular as Angular or React, both have a high (developer wants to use the technology) vs low (jobs hiring for this technology).
Some pros and cons of each,
Vue.js Pros
- Low learning curve
- Easily re-usable code base
- Familiar approach
Elm Pros
- Solid protection against bugs (the compiler catches 99% of bugs)
- Enforced semantic versioning. (Downloaded an Elm package? The author cannot make breaking changes without bumping up the major version number.
- A single syntax for the view and the logic. (no special logic for conditionals, aka having a v-if in your html)
The short version is, you are set to win with either technology. If you had to pick between them, you can count on both of them to be very fast and easy to integrate and test. Pick Vue if you want a lower learning curve, pick Elm if you want less bugs.
Best of luck!