[Vuejs]-VueJS dynamic tabs



Yes, just add v-if for each tab content(add wrapper because v-for has higher priority over v-if, added wrapper):

 <button v-for="tab in tabs"
   v-bind:class="['tab-button', { active: currentTab === tab }]"
   v-on:click="currentTab = tab">
   {{ tab }}
 <div v-if="currentTab === tabs[0]">
     <div v-for="(fruit, index) in fruits" :key="index">
      <p>{{ fruit.name }}</p>
      <p >{{ fruit.price }}</p>
 <div v-if="currentTab === tabs[1]">
     <div v-for="(vege, vege) in veges" :key="vege">
      <p>{{ vege.name }}</p>
      <p>{{ vege.price }}</p>

P.S. I recommend to use object instead of array, to use tabs like this v-if="currentTab === tabs.fruits";

πŸ‘€Max Sinev


try this:

<div v-if="currentTab === 'fruits'" v-for="(fruit, fruit) in fruits" :key="fruit">
 <p>{{ fruit.name }}</p>
 <p >{{ fruit.price }}</p>

<div v-if="currentTab === 'veges'" v-for="(vege, vege) in veges" :key="vege">
 <p>{{ vege.name }}</p>
 <p>{{ vege.price }}</p>
πŸ‘€Mohit Gupta


Like this with v-if inside template (if you want to toggle more than one element according to Vue.js Docs)

 <template v-if="currentTab === 'fruits'">
    <div v-for="(fruit, index) in fruits" :key="index">
      <p>{{ fruit.name }}</p>
      <p >{{ fruit.price }}</p>
 <template v-else>
     <div v-for="(vege, index) in veges" :key="index">
       <p>{{ vege.name }}</p>
       <p>{{ vege.price }}</p>

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