‘react/rctbridgedelegate.h’ file not found

When encountering the error message “react/rctbridgedelegate.h file not found” in a React Native project, it usually indicates that there is a missing or misconfigured dependency related to React Native bridge delegate.

The React Native bridge delegate is responsible for handling communication between JavaScript and the native modules in your project. This file (rctbridgedelegate.h) is typically found within React Native’s own source code.

To fix this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you have installed all the React Native dependencies correctly. You can use package managers like npm or yarn to install the required dependencies listed in your project’s package.json file by running npm install or yarn install.
  2. Check if the React Native version in your project matches the version specified in the documentation or any specific guides you are following. If they do not match, you may have to update or downgrade your React Native version accordingly.
  3. If you have recently added any third-party libraries or dependencies, make sure that you have followed the installation instructions correctly. Sometimes, additional setup steps are required for certain libraries.
  4. Verify that your project’s build settings are correct, especially if you are using an IDE like Xcode or Android Studio. Setting up the correct search paths and linking the necessary libraries can resolve this type of error.

Here is an example of how the error message may look when logged in the console:

      [ReactNative] { react/rctbridgedelegate.h: file not found }

Remember, this error message can appear differently in various development environments. While the specific file name may vary, the general idea remains the same: a required React Native file or dependency is missing.

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